Dr. Minh Khuong Vu is Associate Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (National University of Singapore). His research and teaching concentrates on economic growth and competitiveness, productivity analysis, and policy issues on digital transformation, with a special focus on Asia and ASEAN.
Dr. Vu has published more than 20 academic articles on peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Information Economics and Policy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Policy Modeling, German Economics Review, Structural Change and Economic Development, Contemporary Economic Policy, and Energy Policy.
His recent book The Dynamics of Economic Growth: Policy Insights from Comparative Analyses in Asia, was published by Edward Elgar in November 2013. He is currently working on a book with working title: Toward ASEAN Economic Community: The Dynamics of Integration, Structural Change, and Productivity Performance.
Dr. Vu is a winner of the 2011 Best Article Award of the Public and Non-Profit Division of the Academy of Management (USA). He also won the LKY School Research Excellence Award in 2012 and the LKY School Annual Teaching Excellence Award in 2009 and 2011.
Dr. Vu obtained his Bachelor in Mathematics from Hanoi National University and MBA and PhD in Public Policy from Harvard University.